Tuesday, February 28, 2006

This morning in his rush to get up Jason knocked a picture frame onto the floor...This afternoon Scottie in HIS rush to express how excited he was about something (my standing up... who knows) stomped all over the picture and broke the glass in the frame. I'm not just saying he cracked it, he shattered the glass through multiple stomps which prompted me to haul him off the frame in terror that he would shred his foot paws.

He didn't and I think I got all the glass shards out of the carpet.


Matthew said...

I'm glad there wasn't an injury.

A note to the wise though...

Sometimes, when things fall on the floor, it is customary to pick them back up (before the dog tramples them).


Jason Heilpern said...

In my defense...It was very early, and in the very dark room and in my rush I thought I had only knocked over some papers. I was not aware a frame had fallen onto the floor as well.

Josh said...

i good way to check for hidden shards in the carpet is to walk around barefoot for a week or so. bare feet are magnets for pieces of glass.