Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Last night Jason and I rented a movie.
He was thrilled, most of the time I don’t want to watch movies. There have been several movies that looked entertaining to me that I just never got around to watching, I figure if it doesn’t get me to the theater and my life moves on uninterrupted then I didn’t miss much. Although it gets frustrating to others who try and hold conversations with me about an actor and try and find a movie I’ve seen that has them in it.
Last night we rented National Treasure which Jason loves and I had heard many good things about.
Did you know that there is not one swear word in that movie?
It’s true.
Plus, lots of explosions!
Even though there were the regular mistakes and inconsistencies with the real world I enjoyed the movie.
There was one kissy part but I was able to recognize it and cover my eyes before any unwanted exposure occurred.

I was confused at why he dipped the button in that solution in the cup that could be seen under the black light, they never explained that. I did love the side kick guy, he was great! And even though I usually can’t stand Nicholas Cage, this film played well to his style of line delivery and lack of facial expression (other than the moppy dog look). I also thought the girl’s ball gown was very attractive.

I know Jason wants to go see Revenge of the Sith but to be honest I don’t really care to. I don’t like unhappy endings and this is one that you know what the ending is and it’s unhappy. I‘ve also never been really into the star wars stuff anyway. Now the movie you can guarantee I’ll be at opening night is as always Harry Potter (Yay!) and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Double Yay!) I swear if they make Aslan look like a cheap computer graphic I will be livid.
Livid, I say!
To be honest the Harry Potter movies are always little disappointing because they have to cut out so much of the story – plus they change small sub plots (Hermione & Ron). I have no idea how they plan on squeezing the Goblet of Fire into one movie. And the new Dumbledore? Ew. He sucks.
James says that Luna doesn’t get introduced until the 5th book; I say she is mentioned in the 4th book. What do you think?


Josh said...

there's a trailer for LWW before revenge and aslan looks pretty good.

also, he dipped the button in that solution so that when he held the black light over the keyboard, he could see which keys she had pressed in order to get her password.

Matthew said...

The Lovegood family is mentioned during the conversation between the Weazleys and the Diggories at the top of Stoat's head hill in book 4. Luna herself is not mentioned by name until book 5.

You may now proceed to call me names for knowing this.

Dave M. said...

Maren is in your club with "Star Wars" and "Harry Potter".

I think you should rent "Space Hunter". It is a classic "B" sci-fi with Molly Ringwold. The special effects are amazing. Another good one is "Cherry-2000". It has Molly in it too. Both great movies!