Monday, June 20, 2005

Game Night

About every two weeks a group of us get together and play DND. And Eat. We have been banned from crafting during the game- apparently it’s distracting.
Shellie had prepared some wonderful Manicotti – she’s a great cook.
We also learned something interesting. It doesn’t matter if Shellie cooks before hand or if we bring ingredients – we don’t start the game until about 9pm. This was a little vindicating for the ones who do the cooking because it had felt like we were getting blamed for holding up the fun.
Rob had the kids with him because Angie was still in the hospital, so there were little munchkins running around. Ariana still hates me- the other night was a mistake- sorry Terra. At about 7:30 Shellie started trying to get kids settled down. I say “trying” because there was a 1.5 yr old, two 4 yr. Olds and an 8yr old who were all excited because they were playing with their cousin. Beth (8) took her bath- no problem there. Perrin locked Dakota out of the bathroom while he drew his bath. Dakota stood outside the door banging on it and alternating between calling out to Perrin to “let me in” and tattling that Perrin wouldn’t let him in. This was a problem because Rob was trying to put Ariana to sleep. I went upstairs and explained that when someone doesn’t open the door even when you knock it usually means they don’t want you in the room. I also let him pick out a movie to watch. About this time Perrin appeared with a towel wrapped around him, and despite his dry hair I assumed he was finished with his bath. (I thought he hadn’t remembered to wash his hair- little boys do that!)
A bit later Beth arrived bearing the news that Perrin had left the water running in his mother’s tub (one with out one of those safety drains) and it had over flowed onto the carpet.
Simon was not pleased.
Wet Vac's are amazing, and the disaster was diverted.
In the meanwhile Beth decided to apologize to Rob about the excess noise upstairs by throwing open the bedroom door and exclaiming “I’m sorry about all the noise up here!” He said she was lucky that the only thing he had to throw at her was Ariana.
We still hadn’t actually started playing and Simon was getting annoyed at the lack of direction so I began my game of “suggestion” it’s where I start “suggesting” that my character finds something cool.
“As the group stands gazing up at the dominating skyline of the Citadel, Kala notices something glinting in the dirt!”
Simon (with a chuckle): “oh, nope, just sea gull poop, sorry!”
Terra: “But wait! Something is glinting in the mess! It’s a ring! I wonder what kind! (I start looking through one of the books for some magical artifact to name.)”
Simon: “just a cheap, silver ring, worth nothing.”
Terra: “It’s what appears to be a cheap silver ring. With Kala’s family name inscribed inside!” (My story arch for the character has her looking for clues to her extended family.)
Simon (now ignoring me).
Simon acts as the Dungeon Master which means he gets the say, so on what happens in the game with statistical help form some die. He is actually really fun to play with because he makes up his own story arches based on the background information you give him on your character. Kind of like a “Choose your own adventure” book. Rob would prefer it to be a “bang em’ up shoot em’ up” style of playing, I guess because the only way to make your characters stronger is to “level up” and the only way to level up is through experience points and the only way to get experience points it to fight stuff. I personally don’t care how fast we level up but it is important to Rob. I hope the game doesn’t change into a smash and bash.


Josh said...

what does it mean to "craft?"

Terra said...

and fun