Monday, June 20, 2005

Take Two

I started writing a post about this weekend but it ended up too “and then there was a dog…” so I started over.
Take Two.
I knew I had to jog over to shellie’s after work so at lunch I packed my (very cool) marathon bag with the items I had deemed nessessary.
1. money for dinner.
2. my dice.
3. my character sheet (I made Simon mad last time for forgetting it).
4. the character book ( I had asked Jason to take it with him the night before but he had forgotten it- I’m not good (enough/at all) to pay with out it- so in it went).
5. my keys.
6. I.D (for the paramedics when they had to identify my body after getting hit by ANOTHER car).
7. change of clothing (as much fun as trotting around in running short is for long periods of time).
8. My cell phone (for calling to be rescued).
You might realize from this list that I didn’t pack any sun block. Or sun glasses.

I was going OK until about ¾ of the way there when I started developing goose bumps on my arms and face- since there was no breeze or shade I took this to mean I was over heating. It was also about this time that I realized that I had pretty much stopped drinking my water. Not good.
It takes about 20 minutes in the Hydration process for water in your stomach to make into your cells- so, not good.
I pretty much walked from there unless the surface was flat- it screwed my time but I wasn’t trying to set a PR anyway. I got to Shellie’s house with time to spare (from the 6:30pm dinner start time). I was able to take a shower and change into “not sweaty” clothes.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

And I thought living in Beirut was dangerous =)

Glad you had the foresight to handle the situation so well. Did you go to boy scouts?