Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I got a call from Melissa telling me that my jacket came in. yay, right?
The problem is, is that she really doesn't think that the jacket they sent is the jacket we ordered. she remembers the jacket I tried on in the shop and doesn't think they have the same cut. Her mother who is a seamstress has asked how much I'm willing to "fudge" on my garmets (she has seen alot from some ladies in the area) melissa pointed out that the reason we ordered the jacket in a larger size no less was so I didn't have to fudge at ALL! When melissa placed the order she had a hard time convincing the clerk that the item she wanted was in fact what she wanted. The girl kept trying to change her mind and tell her to order something else.
We are in the process of comparing the two jackets (I have a picture of myself in the dress while I tried on the jacket).


Dave M. said...

"fudge on garments" What does that even mean?

Melissa said...

You do realize that Jason now has details about your dress? I thought you wanted to surprise him?

Josh said...

i think the temple folks frown on fudging the ol' garments. but, maybe you can dupe them. they're usually old people.

Melissa said...

Josh, I promise that when it comes to garments and wedding dresses, the temple folk only care if they show, not what you do to ensure they don't. My mom has made a career in Salt Lake City "garmetizing" wedding dresses. Some measures are more drastic than others. Her suggestions to Terra are minimal, to say the least.

Terra said...

Josh, the whole point of my ire was that I bought the jacket to NOT fudge the garments

Josh said...

i was being sarcastic

i'm going to restrain myself. that's because you seem to be saying that by your mother's "garmentizing" dresses, she alters the dress in some way so that it accomodates the garments. but, from the story in the post, it sounds like you are saying terra should alter her garments to accomodate the dress (fudging them). i don't really care what terra does with her garments. it's none of my business. but it is beyond me and it is incredibly offensive to suggest that temple workers don't care if garments are worn correctly or not. that is a highly irresponsible thing to say and it isn't true. i would like to know by what virtue you can promise me anything.

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

You read the post correctly.

1) "garmentizing" dresses does mean she alters the dress in some way so that it accommodates the garments.
2)"but, from the story in the post, it sounds like you are saying terra should alter her garments to accommodate the dress (fudging them)." That is exactly what MY MOM was suggesting. I am the middleman in this story.

A point of clarification: "fudging garments" means buying them a size to big, or a size tall, or with a specific neckline, or sleeve type, or any combination of the above. It can also mean pulling them down and using the dress to hold them in place. All of these things are done on a regular basis for temple weddings. My mom did not create the system; but she does work within it.

Although you may know a lot about a lot of things, this is not one of your areas of expertise. You have had 1 temple wedding. My mother has been part of hundreds.

P.S. I don't appreciate the insinuation that because I'm not a member of your religion I don't know anything about it. Besides, no where in this post does it state that I agree with the practice.

Josh said...

i'm not an expert on temple weddings. i'm an expert on what is expected with reference to garments. those practices are, no doubt, common. but common practices are not correct by virtue of being common. in addition, the insinuation that you mention not appreciating could not exist because i didn't know you weren't mormon. you sure sound like an expert. i'm not implying that you don't know what you're talking about, i more telling you i don't agree with your assertion. i think before you suggest that a group of people who spend their time serving in temple are apathetic towards the rites celebrated therein, you should know what you're talking about.

as for the fudging, clarification noted.

Anonymous said...

I came across this by accident but have to say that I'm not impressed. The idea isn't what the temple matrons think it's what Heavenly Father thinks. With the ckind of attitude you have you shouldn't be married in the temple anyway. Do you even have a testimony? This stuff shouldn't even be being discussed on the net.