Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Well what do ya know...

It turns out that Rob and Angie's little girl actually knows my name, and has only been pretending that I'm some stranger come to steal her away.

Yesterday I got an IM from my friend Shellie- she wanted to know if I thought Jason's Mom would babysit Ariana for her for a couple of hours.

she doesn't' really strike me as the type of future grandmother who will be babysitting much.
Plus, she doesn't really like their kids.

So I suggested Jason might be able to help out.

now, you might be wondering why Shellie was asking for this particular favor, and this is why.

THE DAY BEFORE ALL THIS, Rob asked Shellie and Simon to watch their kids while he took Angie to the hospital because she was in a lot of pain from kidney stones- she was scheduled for surgery the next morning but they felt she needed to go in now.
So he dropped his children off and disappeared into the sunset...
Never to return.
well, not that night anyway- he decided that he needed to stay with Angie (did I mention that Tristen is only about two months old?) So Shellie had all three (I'm unsure about Dakota- he might have been out of town-he's not in this story in any case.)
Shellie and Simon got to spend the night doing 3am feedings as well as....! nursing Beth (shellie's little girl) since she was sick and throwing up all night.
The next morning did not produce Rob, Beth was still throwing up, and Ariana decided that this was an opportune time to get to know her older cousin a bit better.
Shellie couldn't keep her away from Beth while also taking care of Tristen. She had run out of clothes for the little tyke and broken out beths old stuff (tristen is confident in his masculinity to wear pink) she didn't have a play pen to put him down in, or a snuggly (so useful) to carry him in, or a car seat to drive anywhere.

Jason came over and had a lovely time entertaining a child who didn't want to be entertained. She screamed in his ear for the entire 3 hours he was there, calling for "Ellie" and instisting that Jason call "Terra".
Rob showed up just as Jason got a call that he needed to leave, and Shellie's other friend came to take care of the kids.
I wonder if Shellie got any sleep in that 24+ hour period?

Disclaimer: Shellie seems to think Rob was justified in leaving his kids with out proper materials because "he was thinking of Angie's life". I think he was irresponsible because:
2. She had kidney stones- they are painful, but it's not like she was bleeding to death.
3. I'm just overly cranky with anything connected to the two of them.
4. I don't have kids, a wife, or health problems but do have a nice high horse with which to judge all others who cross my path.


Anonymous said...

I think your assessment is correct. He left his children in the care of another when he was not needed elsewhere. And he left them without those comforts that would have been in the best interest of both caregiver and children. I can't think of any mother I personally know who would be willing to have a two month old away from both mom and dad for that long. I might be wrong, but I would bet he didn't have her endorsement for that plan. If he did, shame on both of them for not knowing and being better.

Rob sounds lazy to me. I think he didn't want to be the caregiver in his wife's absence, so he took the kids to the closest wife he could find.

Anonymous said...

As well she should be. If this guy’s defense to child abandonment is starting a new job, then there are serious problems here. In the adult world, we are expected to be able to care for our children AND handle showing up for work.

From what I know about kidney stones, combined with the information provided, it doesn’t look like this hospital trip was exactly a surprise… A day early, certainly. A surprise, no. That being the case, where were the preparations? Overnight bags? Some coordination or thought for the children’s care?

This sounds someone showing very poor levels of responsibility. A lot of self-inflicted trauma.

Jason Heilpern said...

Actually she didnt cru for the WHOLE 3 hours I had her. It was more like the first hour and then she discovered the joys of the park.

Megan said...

Ther eis no reason that he couldn't give her the things she needed. even if i had kidney stones i would be teling josh as we left the door to make sure the diaper bag had formula, diapers, wipes and at least several outfits not to mention a playpen. come on, i forget my stuff before isa's.

Josh said...

it's like a freakin' mantra

"diapers, wipes, sippy cup, snacks, change of clothes."


Terra said...

Which is what Rob adn Angie bank on - no, one wants to let children suffer for anothers mistake.
Rob loses his job because he stopped showing up = people giving help to him so he can take care of his family.
Rob and Angie deciding the day Angie is suposed to go back to work after materinity leave that they don't want her working = no job and more help to take care of the children.
Angie in the hospital due to her not following Dr. orders resulting in Rob camping out and losing his job because he stopped showing up= more help to take care of the children.
I am not as close to the situation so I can't really say- but I was taught there are differences between "wants" and "needs". Do the each of the kids need their own rooms?
Can the afford to rent and apt. big enough to give them their own rooms?
Are they doign it anyway?
Will the be suprised when they can't make rent?
Can the afford to buy an SUV because Rob wants one?
did they do it anyway?
will they be suprised when they can't make the payments?
Will all this be someone elses fault?
In Shellie's defense she has gotten better at saying "no" this by leaps and bounds. Its just when they play the hospital card that she thinkgs "I would want them to help me out".