Thursday, November 03, 2005

I just got an email from a friend I haven't heard from for about 4 years. They lived across from Marcus and I in SLC and we hung out together a lot. I tried to stay in contact with them after I moved but they had already moved to California and chagned addresses.

Update: The first email was just to check to see if my email address was still current. I sent a reply, and she wrote back today. Ryan is still a Cop and is now on a Gang team, he was recently injured in the line of duty- nothing serious, but he had to get surgery on his hand "But they did take 6 guys to jail". They have three kids and want a fourth- Melissa will find this amusing - they are thinking of Homeschooling!


Melissa said...

How are they doing? Is he still a cop? How many kids do they have now? Was there a reason she emailed you after all this time, or was it purely random?

Matthew said...

Ah! The cop couple... They certainly featured in lots of intersting stories from that era....

Melissa said...

I don't know, if I lived in that area I'd think about homeschooling too!