Sunday, March 26, 2006

I forgot to tell you!

Last night Jason made the comment that it's stupid to make sequels with out using all of the same actors, to which I replied "I know! I think it's funny in the Back to the Future movies that they use a different girl as his girlfriend."

Jason: "no they didn't."
Me: "yes, they did."

Jason: "You want to bet?" (He is a die hard fan of the Back to the Future movies)
Me: "why yes I do."

Jason: "I bet that it's the same girl and if I win, you have to...."
Me: "OK, (I'm going to win you can bet anything you want) WHEN I win you have to run a 5K race with me by the end of the summer of this year."

- they key to a sucessful bet is all in the details- you must be specific!-

Jason got on the computer and pulled up the information and it's moments like these that I wish I had a camera ready. The look on his face was priceless! I settled on talking to Dad while Jason was searching and having him agree with me that there were two different actresses that played McFly's girlfriend, knowing that any minute Jason would realise it too and I could start gloating.

The offical result?
Claudia Wells played the girlfriend in the first movie and Elizabeth Shu played her in #2, and #3.


Matthew said...

Your victims do have a tendency to try and wiggle out of their consequences don't they? BTW, this reminds me, is Shelly's livingroom finished yet?

Terra said...

The living room is MUCH better- It's the small details now- the kind that drive SHellie crazy- the edging still needs to be painted -the paint tape still needs to be taken down...and the merging strips betweent he two rooms still need to be installed. The kitchen is scary beause of the mess that the living room turned into -