Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I just proof-read and critiqued SHellie's creative writting paper- we'll see how that goes. It was on one of her childhood memories so there is emotion behind how she wrote it which makes it a bit stickier than if it was something inpersonal.
Although I have done the same with songs she writes- you know, make sure that the story line progesses smoothly, tenses match through out the piece, maybe suggest a different word. So it's not commpletely new- it just feels slightly like correcting another paitners painting- BIG no, no...


Matthew said...

True, it is a tough job. But Shellie did ask you to do it, and creative people (good ones anyway) enjoy and can use feedback.

Dad said...

Oh yes, touchy situation #317. I am glad it is you and not me. The constant thing about creative people is that they are unpredictable and this can "go any way on any day". Wow, I am a poet. Does that make me creative? Do not feel free to correct any of my grammar, etc. Good luck with the project.

Terra said...

She said it was helpful and hasn't stopped speaking to me (so far=))
I tried to stay away from "it's good" or "I like it" which are completely unhelpful.