Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today I decided to ignore my earlier decision to not go to those "get to know each other" get together put on by the relief society because they leave me depressed and feeling isolated.

My ward has implemented a new thingy that once a month women get together for a pot luck lunch and complete service projects and coordinate service needs in the ward. I really only went to this one because the service project was crocheting Grannie squares together and I thought there was a chance that I might meet someone who liked to crochet.

I didn't.

But I did finish two lap quilts for a nursing home.

There was this old lady who apparently amused herself by crocheting giant Grannie squares but never put them all the way together to make the lap quilts. She passed a way and her family didn't want them so they sat in the rec room at the nursing home for a while until a ward member saw them while visiting their loved one. this ward member though "I know some people who would LOVE to finish them" and volunteered the relief society to take the squares off the nursing homes hands.

The good news is this project is a lot prettier and easier than the school bags my ward in Knoxville was volunteered to complete.


Matthew said...

I don't know what grannie squares are. Can you post a picture?

Bonnie said...

A picture would be nice but I bet you would have posted already if you had one. How many squares to a lap quilt? I like it that your enrichment meeting is focused on service instead of the crafts we used to do alot of when I was a young married. It puts the "Relief" back in the society!