Monday, July 25, 2005

wedding paper work update

Well it turns out that for some reason that was NOT shared with me, Jason's Bishop needs to have a look-see at my sealing cancellation paper work.
from what I can tell, this process is about sharing all the little bits of personal information that most people don't' really want to share with others with EVERYONE!

Bishop Gufffy is now getting his chance to weigh in on whether or not I should be granted a sealing cancellation. He has promised Jason that he will have completed his letter by today.

we shall see.

But that isn't' really the point. Why wasn't I told about this sharing? There are things in my letter that I don't want the whole freaking world to know! If I did I would have told them already! Plus- it's awkward- I know this person, I dated his son and had a close relationship with his family.
I am displeased.
I will be willing to think about forgiving them if they can just stick a stinking stamp on the envelop and get it to SLC before October!


Matthew said...

Clearly, the cat is out of the bag, and you should simply post the docs here. Then, you could just point whoever is interested to the link!

I'm so helpful... =)

Megan said...

as uhapy as it is that you have to tell him at least oyu can know that he can't tell anyone.

Terra said...

That's true Megan- but I just dont' like people knowing more than what I choose to tell them about myself. I hadn't even been given the chance to decide how I felt about MORE people knowing personal details about my life before finding out that MORE people knew personal details about my life.

Melissa said...


I just spoke to one of my co-workers about sealing and unsealing in general. He has suggested that the packet has been given to Jason bishop so he can add a letter attesting to the fact that Jason will take you through the temple. They don't want to unseal you without proof that you will be sealed to someone.

With any luck, Jason's bishop will not read the information in the packet, he will just add his letter and send the packet on its way. Maybe they were trying to get the packet off as quickly as possible by sending it to him, rather than waiting to get his letter before they sent it off.

I realize this is all speculation, but it sounds reasonable.

Terra said...

Well I'm sure they have a reason (unless it's just such a good story they want everyone to read it).
I don't like the fact that I wasn't told who would be reading the packet even though I asked exactly what the steps of the cancelation would be. In fact I spoke to my bishop earlier this week and he told me the paper work was going to the Stake Pres.

Melissa said...

All I was suggesting is that maybe he isn't going to read it. Maybe he is going to type his letter, add it to the packet and send it on it's way. That way they didn't need to wait for his letter before sending it on its way.

I'm trying to be positive here!

Anonymous said...

That's Jacob's dad isn't it? I think you need to look at this the way I look at my life. It would be really funny if it was happening to someone else. Or in a movie. I think that's the only reason I haven't gone completely crazy. Of course every now and then you realize you're living it and you get really depressed, but that's only every couple of weeks.

Matthew said...

I like Katie's perspective on things.
However, hearing Melissa's theory makes things 10x worse in my opinion. If they are sending the full packet to someone who is only supposed to be contributing a letter, I think that constitutes a serious breach of confidentiality and should be reported. Absolutely unacceptable. This sort of information should only be sent to people who have a legitimate need to have it. If the process does not explicitly call for this to be shared with other people it shouldn't be. I also sympathize with Terra feeling that her privacy in general has been violated. She is the one who was victimized by the painful betrayal of her ex-husband, and parading those wounds around is not good at all.

Melissa said...


I never thought of it that way. I quite agree with you about the breech of confidentiality. I was doing my best to see the positive side of the whole thing.

Josh said...

matthew, completely agree with you about the need-to-know-basis of viewing documents... but, in general, do you guys think bishops and stake presidents sit around laughing, or even discussing, embarassing events in the lives of their stewards? i've always found these men to be respectful and dignified.

ps. i'm sure there are a VERY few exceptions.

Terra said...

I think the point has been missed by several people.
I dont' care if they do "need to know" I don't care if they take the contents of the letter to their grave.
I do care that private information that I devulged with MY Bishop on a confidential basis was shared with out my knowledge or consent with someone else.